How Cartos Suite Is Making A Difference

Does device data make fleet design easier?

Written by Aleya Ericson | Oct 11, 2021 3:00:00 PM

New Managed Print Service (MPS) contracts mean new opportunities to make money and establish exciting partnerships. However, dealing with an unfamiliar print fleet presents the potential for print or MFP brands you don’t know much about. This can lead to questions on which approach to take. Recommendations for improvements on fleet design, devices, and much more all depend on having the correct information. Googling every time to find a device data set manually takes time and may not result in accurate information.

Fortunately, there are many Device Data Services (DDS) available to make this easier. Instead of the constant hassle of collating your own data, you can purchase access to searchable databases. However, there are many competing industries boasting access to MPS specs. This is why it's essential to have comprehensive and valuable device information readily available as you explore the unknown.

Quality over Quantity

It’s easy to hit people over the head with a massive block of MPS stats, filled with every device and consumable imaginable. A vast stat block filled with hundreds of points serves no purpose when you are most concerned with a given device’s size, cost, speed, technology, and age. Focus on finding a DDS that refines its data, so you won’t have to sift through data you don’t need.

One-Stop Shopping

Using separate software for DDS, Fleet Design, Total Cost of Ownership, and all your other MPS need becomes a cumbersome mess of overlapping software tools. Finding the data you need shouldn’t require multiple Internet searches and applications that all drives up your RAM usage. Save time and work faster by using software tools designed to work together. T

Up to Date

The main benefit of a DDS is avoiding the out-of-date, inaccurate data that overflows Google. So there’s no point in paying for data that are out of date or even incorrect. The DDS must demonstrate dedication to keeping the data current.

Cartos Suite, In Time Tec’s revolutionary Cloud software suite, offers our own DDS that fulfills all those requirements and more. With a catalog of over 13,000 MPS devices and their consumables, DDS provides the latest and greatest data right at your fingertips.