How Cartos Suite Is Making A Difference

MPS Security Woes

Written by Aleya Ericson | Jun 1, 2022 6:30:14 PM

To best pitch your Managed Print Services (MPS), you must stand out from the crowd. You can boast about your superior MPS service offerings, demo your excellent fleet designs, and make fantastic presentations all thanks to Cartos Suite. Yet, all your MPS prowess will be naught if you fail to consider these essential MPS security concerns.

Device Age

Older devices are more vulnerable to numerous security threats. As we covered here, any Multifunction Printing (MFP) Device with an Internet connection presents an access point for hackers.

Less Overall Security

When most people picture hacking, they imagine a digital sleuth stealing secure data from a computer or server. They don’t realize that an interconnected office printer can present just as tempting a target, as printers often have fewer installed countermeasures than a PC or Server.

Less Attention from IT

IT can solve many potential print security issues with mandatory settings. However, IT departments often focus more on other concerns, such as technical issues and user problems. Without oversight, MPS devices can fall through the cracks.

User Changes Cause Potential Issues

IT Departments can mandate specific settings for MFP devices. However, everyone will need to use the office printer at some point in their careers. If unrestricted, users tweaking security settings for their convivence presents issues.

Open Source Opens Door to Problems

Everyone loves open-source software due to the lack of restrictions and cost. The trouble is that easy access makes it easy for hackers to use. Print firmware problems often stem from the use of open-source software in development.

So, what can you do to ensure your MPS devices are protected? There are two good places to start. First, you can ensure your print fleet is up to date. Then, you can make sure your IT department is running regular checks on your devices to check for vulnerabilities.

Want to learn more? Check out this livestream from Jamie Bsales for the MPSA on MFP Security best practices.